How to Use
1. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry them before and after handling lenses.
2. In order to not damage your contact lenses, only use only your fingertips to handle them. Never put on your eye a lens with sign of tear.
3. Only use contact lens solution to rinse the lenses.
4. Always remember to clean, rinse and disinfect your lenses with multipurpose solution after you remove them from your eyes. This will avoid discomfort and possibly infection.
5. To avoid discomfort, apply make-up only after putting your lenses on.
6. Always respect the the time of use: Monthly lenses can be used up to 30 days, daily lenses should be thrown out at the end of the day.
Additional info: Do not wear lenses while swimming or sleeping. It is not recommended to wear the lenses for more than 6 hours at a time.
Remove the lenses at the first sign of any discomfort or redness.
Consult a doctor at the first sign of any pain or infection.